Twenty Years Later Book Review
Goodreads Rating: 5/5 Stars
Summary Review:
Holy plot twists Batman! This book was SO good! Filled with plot twists! Kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time! 10/10 Must read!
It took me a couple chapters to get into it, I wasn't too grabbed by the beginning with the main characters, but once Avery headed to New York I was hooked! The past picked up and the twists started coming! I ended up loving this book so much, I'm so glad I stuck with it!
Full review/thoughts throughout reading (SPOILER WARNING; Colorful Vocabulary Warning):
Meghan is Jason's wife?!
Why isn't Victoria's blood found elsewhere at the crime scene?
The wife would have boat knowledge to tie the knot! I think she did it and framed Victoria!
What's her ludicrous theory?
Why would none of the other specimens match her DNA?
Victoria made herself disappear?!
What experience does Avery have? Is she talking about her dad?
Natalie's in on it?! Is Victoria's sister in on it too?!
I think his wife set up a spy cam to catch him cheating! Why else would it be off center and they didn't acknowledge it.
Why did he have such violent whips on his body at the crime scene? Did his wife attack him? Did they participate in BDSM as well? Or was that just something he and Victoria did?
I knew it was a spy camera!
The thumbnail was in Tessa's drawer! I knew she set the camera up! Did she kill him because of what she saw in the video? Is that why she whipped him before his death?
Awe, she told him about who she really is! <3
She was 29 when she lost everything and had to start over?! I thought she was around 21 when that happened.
What's wrong? Why does she have a funny feeling?
Why were there chemicals in the blood?
Why was her urine in the toilet if it was over 24 hours old?
The blood came off of a used tampon? Did Tessa somehow acquire one of Victoria's tampons and drain the blood to frame her?
Avery's trying to make Natalie confess.
What is Avery planning that is about to go wrong? Was the passport for her father? Is she helping him after everything he's done to her?
I can't believe he's actually stalking her. If she is helping her dad, he's definitely going to figure it out.
Who is this man? He obviously knows her.
Is he still following her? Are those the eyes she's sensing?
He owed her father a favor? It sounded like that man screwed everyone over. How did Andre owe him?
Ohhhh shiiiit. Walt has been had! How did Andre know he was following Avery?
Connie?! Is Connie helping hide away her dad? Why would she of all people want to help him?!
What is going on?!
Is Meghan helping Avery's father escape?
How did he get out of the cabin if there was surveillance set up?
Why did she insist they have cameras and mics capturing it all if she knew her father wouldn't be there?
That's why they needed Meghan! So, she basically just got a free cruise out of this deal haha.
I knew it! The cabin is empty! They were played!
Wait, what?! He was in the cabin?! Then who is on the cruise?! Who is the passport for?!
Oh my god. That's why she went to see Connie! Connie was hiding Christopher! She helped build the boat for him!
She helped him fake his own death before the fraud became public. He knew before the feds and didn't want to get blamed for it. That's how she knew Victoria had faked her own death and disappeared.
Damn, this girl had it all planned from the get-go! Good on her for helping her brother.
She wanted the feds to have cameras and mics so she could use them for her show. Smart girl.
Awe, he's going to go to California for her!
I'm sobbing! Claire paid Connie back the money! Staaahhhp!
Not even Peg Perugo would suspect that the killer planted her own blood at the crime scene to lead detectives in the wrong direction.
The Perfect Murder A Peg Perugo Novel
I knew it! The cabin is empty! They were played!
Wait, what?! He was in the cabin?! Then who is on the cruise?! Who is the passport for?!
Oh my god. That's why she went to see Connie! Connie was hiding Christopher! She helped build the boat for him!
She helped him fake his own death before the fraud became public. He knew before the feds and didn't want to get blamed for it. That's how she knew Victoria had faked her own death and disappeared.
Damn, this girl had it all planned from the get-go! Good on her for helping her brother.
She wanted the feds to have cameras and mics so she could use them for her show. Smart girl.
Awe, he's going to go to California for her!
I'm sobbing! Claire paid Connie back the money! Staaahhhp!
The Perfect Murder A Peg Perugo Novel
WHAT?! Victoria fucking did it?! No wonder Natalie didn't want to go in that direction! And of course, no one would put two and two together! Only Claire/Avery would know.
Victoria wanted him to die at the same proverbial place where he had killed her—on the cusp of bliss and joy, and completely blindsided.
Tessa carried the child Cameron was meant to give Victoria, and they both should be punished.
No wonder she snapped.
Man, that ending! The way it all tied together! I did not see that coming!!! SO GOOD! I definitely want to reread and find all the clues I missed!
No wonder she snapped.
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