The Perfect Marriage Review
Goodreads Rating: 5/5 Stars
Summary Review:
I have been waiting to read Jeneva Rose's books for ages! I got The Perfect Marriage, The Girl I Was, and One of Us is Dead ages ago, but had a gifted membership to Kindle Unlimited so I have been waiting to read them (iykyk). Well, my subscription officially ended in July so I was finally able to begin reading the millions of books I own and I had to start with this one!
Funny story, I actually started following Jeneva on TikTok before I even knew she was an author. Her videos of her husband watching the Twilight Saga came up on my for you page (🐀). She and her husband are so funny and entertaining! Then, I saw a video of her saying how The Girl I Was is great if you love the movie 13 Going on 30, which happens to be one of my all-time favs. But, I was in the middle of a series and was not ready to read something new yet, so I added it to my Amazon to-be-read (TBR) list. Shortly afterward, I saw a video for The Perfect Marriage, and then it was everywhere! All my friends were reading it, it was all over my book groups, and I wanted to read it so bad! However, I'm a stay-at-home mom on a limited budget, so I could not afford these new books (this was before I knew about the Libby app). Then, I got a notification from Amazon that my digital credits were about to expire. I had enough digital credits added up to get all 3 for $0.99 each!
Flash forward to almost a year later, and I totally forgot I even owned them as I was gifted Kindle Unlimited for Christmas and was focused on just reading what was available on there. I was so excited to begin reading this one, but after being so disappointed in Verity (which I DNF right before this book) I set the bar low on what I would expect out of this book. Let me say, Jeneva Rose did NOT disappoint! This was beyond any expectation I had even prior to beginning this book! This book was absolutely amazing! I did not see that ending coming! It kept me on the edge of my seat waiting for what was happening next, I had so many suspicions and suspects, and I just kept getting surprised by new evidence that kept coming up. I will definitely be rereading this one to see if I can find what I missed the first time around, and catch all the hints leading to the ending.
The way she wrapped up the ending was so beautifully done. In the last couple of chapters, the endings were bigger cliffhangers than the end of Breaking Dawn Part 1 (movie), and the end conclusion was more shocking than Alice's vision in Breaking Dawn Part 2 (movie). I did not see any of that coming! Such a good read! 100% Recommend!
Full review/thoughts throughout reading (SPOILER WARNING; Colorful Vocabulary Warning):
Ugh, he can't stand that his wife is following her dream career (which he knew about prior to marrying her) so he goes and starts hooking up with someone at their lake house.
She's married too?! Wtf.
How drunk was he that he doesn't even remember passing out?
He knows her pin to her phone? How serious is this relationship?
Who is Jesse? Why do I feel like they are important?
Jeez, those texts from her husband escalated quickly.
Of course, he's going to pick Kelly. Until he gets bored with their relationship just like he did with Sarah. POS. I do NOT like Adam (if you couldn't tell.)
You knew she didn't want a family. Why are you pushing so much at it and hoping so bad she changed her mind? Especially since it seems she has legit reasons for not wanting kids.
Oh shit, what made her decide to want a baby?
What happened to her in the past that would make her not want a baby? If it was so bad why is she changing her mind now?
Ugh, what a POS. You just left a note to Kelly that you were choosing her, but now that your wife wants a baby so you're all of a sudden gung ho for staying with her.
God, this Bob guy seems like a bigger POS than Adam.
"SaRaH, iT’s aLwAyS bEeN yOu. LoVe, AdAm"
Ooooh did he kill Kelly?! He said he doesn't remember what happened or falling asleep. Did he do it while blackout drunk?
Oh yes, run to mommy.
What's wrong with her working? No wonder Adam is such a dick about her job, look at how his mother treats her about her job.
Was it the cabin that helped improve his writing or Kelly?
Well, if you never cheated in the first place you wouldn't be in this situation having to face your wife about your mistress.
He's been cheating for at least a year?! Didn't they only get the lake house like a year ago? Is that why he pushed so hard to get that house?!
Of course, she's been crying! You done fucked up!
Cuz you are a client. You're lucky you're even that after all you've done to her!
Bro literally met her on day one of being at the lake house and took her home to fuck her. You're very damn lucky your wife is taking your case. She should just let you rot.
I agree if he could betray you and lie to you like that, who's to say he couldn't do worse.
I thought it was Scott too, but something's not sitting right about Adam.
“And what type of man is that?” I bite at the end of my pen. “EEA bad one.” “And what does that make you?” My eyes narrow. You tell him!You bought him a house he begged you for, you did everything to support his career, encourage his writing, read every page, and he goes and fucks it up (literally).
Did Adam attack her?! Maybe he really could have killed Kelly!
Ohhhh, it was the deputy. Why?! I mean, Adam definitely deserved it, but why would an officer attack him like that?
Oh shit. That's Kelly's husband?! No wonder she couldn't leave him. He was a cop!
I'm glad the Sheriff is looking into it and not just siding with his cop couldn't off done it, it has to be Adam.
"I know Scott did this. He could have easily pulled this off, and with him being a cop, he would have known how to." I actually agree with Adam.
"I’m going to look into Scott because it’s the right thing to do. I’m not convinced that you’re the one that did this, but I’m also not convinced you’re innocent either.” I agree with you there, Chief.
Why was Kelly canceling on Adam? Was she thinking of ending things with him? I agree with Sarah, she's the victim, but what else was she doing?
Oh poor Adam, so bored with Sarah he had to sleep around. Maybe if you spent that boredom on your writing rather than screwing around with another woman your books would actually be something.
"We'Ll RuN AwAy ToGeThEr" I'm so over Adam
Oh shit, she was married before?!
I did not see that coming! What happened to her husband?! Was this an avenged killing then?
Why would Scott make some evidence disappear? Was she cheating on her last husband with Scott? Wouldn't be surprised tbh.
"Kelly had a darkness inside her that I couldn’t even comprehend. I thought I knew this woman. But I didn’t even know her real name." Yet you still supposedly loved this woman and were ready and willing to leave your wife for her.
He left at 12:30. Was she already dead?! He said he didn't turn any lights on so he wouldn't have known. Also, he said she was wetter than ever, was that BLOOD he felt and wiped on his pants?!
Who drugged Kelly?! Wouldn't Adam have been drugged too then? Unless he did it.
She was pregnant?! Oh, there was no way in hell Adam would've stayed with Sarah if he knew that.
This chick had THREE sets of DNA inside her. Who the hell was she all sleeping with?! Is that why she kept bailing on Adam?
Is Deputy Hudson there to discard evidence? Is he the third set of DNA?
I don't think having a Deputy here do a check-through is smart. I think he knows something or was part of it and is going to destroy evidence.
I wouldn't expect her to be okay. I can't believe she's still taking on this case! He obviously was planning on leaving her and he definitely would've if Kelly was still alive. Especially once he found out she was pregnant.
What's with the envelope? Why didn't Adam mention it?
Who took the photo?! Obviously, it wasn't a knowingly taken photo.
Oh damn, shit just hit the fan! Who was stalking them? Who wanted her dead? Was it Scott or the third DNA?
I agree, why is Deputy Hudson there? It's very suspicious.
She definitely wants to know how big of a POS you are, but she also needs to know everything to help with your case.
Of course, she cares! But she's not going to let you see that she cares, and she's separating herself from the case so she can take you on as a client.
"She’s my wife, and at this moment, I don’t even know her." Now you know how she feels about you after finding out you've been having an affair for over a year.
I forgot about him saying a car door slam woke him up! I questioned it and forgot to make a note! Who was there then?!
Also, this dude really is acting like his having no memory of half the night isn't a big deal and won't make his case look worse.
“I’m saying you weren’t the only man she was cheating on her husband with. I’m saying you weren’t special. I’m saying she was a whore.” Damn, tell us how you really feel.
Clearly, you were not enough and she did not love you the same, A-DUMB.
“If charged, the D.A. will push for the maximum penalty allotted for a double homicide in the state of Virginia.” Her voice shakes. “And what’s that?” “Execution.” Ya done fucked up boi.
Funny, you're questioning your mother talking shit about your wife, but one, you don't correct her, and two, you didn't respect your wife so how do you expect your mother to?
How in the hell is any of this Sarah's fault?! She did everything to support Adam!
"I think I’ve hurt her to the point where there’s no going back." Ya think!
Scott never touched Kelly? Why would she lie about that?
Deputy Hudson is Scott's alibi? That's too perfect. They both are hiding something.
Ugh, seeing how Adam's mom is, no wonder he's such a POS.
Running off would make him look worse. He's pleading not guilty so I don't think he's a flight risk.
Is she pregnant?! Was that morning sickness?
Why didn't Adam have Rohypnol in his system? They were both drinking that scotch.
How did Adam not see these texts? He had access to her phone.
Were there limited texts so that Adam nor Scott would find out?
Oh yes, two cop buddies just hanging out is definitely a solid alibi. Even with those threatening texts he sent that night too! Rock solid alibi. *rolls eyes*
Why is Adam being so weird about the Sheriff?
I think Adam is forgetting that he is the one who was unfaithful here, not her.
Where did the Sheriff hear about her previous husband? How did he not know about the murder trial if he knew about the husband?
Was the guy always coming into her work the third DNA?
Jesse? Same Jesse she had that text from?
The woman you fell in love with just got told her husband has not only been cheating on her for over a year, but also got the other woman pregnant, and to top it off is being charged for said woman’s murder.
“ I know I had an affair, but just because I slept with someone else doesn’t mean I stopped loving my wife,” Says the man that was planning on leaving his wife.
She was killed the same way her husband was, was it by someone who knew her husband and wanted to avenge his murder?
If her name is on the building, doesn’t she own part of it? Why is she being controlled like a regular employee?
Are they going to get back together?! How could she want to be intimate with him after everything?!
Oh good, glad she came to her senses. She would’ve regretted that later.
What’s his mom up to?
Why are you telling your agent stuff?! You’re not supposed to be telling anyone! Let alone the person who wants to make money off ya.
Ugh, but of course he falls for it and starts writing the stupid story.
Did the brother kill her?
Why, all of a sudden, has the Sheriff changed his mind and thinks Adam did it?
“That’s always been her gift—reading people; however, she failed to do so all this time when I was seeing Kelly.” She probably never noticed cuz you were always at her lake house “working” when it happened!
Ugh, his mom sucks! I love that no one wanted his case though bwahahaha! So if Sarah didn’t do it he’d be SOL lol.
Why is Jesse so uncomfortable and being so awkward during the interrogation? Is he hiding something?
Was the cop he saw Kelly with her husband, or a different cop?
Why is he hiding things from Sarah? Not only is he her wife, but he’s her lawyer! He’s such an idiot!
Oh shit, Jesse saw Scott physically abuse Kelly?! So he knew that was her husband. Then he saw her with another cop, but who? Is that other cop the third DNA?
What is Bob so pissed about all the time?! And why’s he coming after her?
She treats you like an idiot cuz you are one!
“I thought it was our money, Sarah? We’re married. Remember?” I snark back, folding my arms in front of my chest. “Oh, was it our marriage when you were balls deep in some waitress?” She’s not wrong.
He’s literally making things worse for himself. He needs to just stop and let her handle it.
Who’s coming into her house? Why is she not concerned by this? What is going on?!
Good! You should divorce him!
Why did the call go silent and then “wrong number” when he called Bob Miller?
Where does he know Nicholas from? Is he the third DNA? Has he seen him around town?
Maybe you got heated cuz he was spying on you and Kelly?
Whose handwriting is it?!
Why the nervous laugh Anne? Did you kill her?
She’s the one person I can always depend on, the one person I can always trust. Why do I feel like something’s going to come up that proves she shouldn’t be so trusted.
Oh shit, I knew it! Anne wrote the threatening note! Did she kill Kelly?!
Okay, but then Adam says that dark thought and it leads me back to thinking he did it. If your mind can think that up, then I definitely believe you could have killed her.
Dumbass. Why would you leave and make yourself look worse?
“There’s a scream from outside the conference room.” What’s going on?! Did Adam attack someone?!
The folder! Is it Greg’s brother she’s with?!
What did Bob do? Why does he hate him so much?
Well, Anne, you could’ve elaborated on your threat. Especially since now, she’s dead!
Is Bob Nicholas Miller?! Did he kill Kelly?
Were they working together to kill her?! Anne did say Bob has been requesting her help more.
Yeah, Anne lied to her, but so did you! For a year and a half! Yet she’s taking on your case. By your logic, she should just let you rot too.
You're joking, right? Everyone has been listening and trying to help. You're just too fucking up your own ass to notice. You've done the opposite of what everyone helping you have told/suggested you do!
Either the Sheriff or Deputy Hudson is the third DNA. The Sheriff has just been acting very strange and the way Jesse was working towards him during the interrogation was odd.
Oh yes, it was Sarah’s fault that he chose to go against his house arrest and run from the law. She’s not actively trying to build his case or anything. Ugh. I’m glad Sarah is standing up to her and telling her off!
Oh, snap. Sarah REALLY told her off.
Oh damn, I didn’t expect Eleanor to slap her!
If you know Scott can be a loose cannon, why isn’t he a prime suspect?
Wtf is Scott doing?!
Why is Sheriff Steven’s asking if they’ve seen Kelly with anyone else an odd question?
Holy shit, Sarah is a mad woman! WTf?!
“The shitty reality is that beggars can't be choosers and right now, Scott is all I have left.”
Oh yes, cuz Sarahs not doing every fucking thing she can to help.
Damn. She went through hell and back and Adam and his mom don't seem to give a damn.
Oh yeah, take off again, that’s smart!
Not only escape, but go after Rebecca “the only one that can help me now.” Meanwhile, your WIFE is doing her damndest to keep you from being proven guilty!
Yeah, you probably are walking in a circle cuz you’re a dumbass!
“Whoever did this must have known us both and very well at that. They knew about the lake house. They knew I spent large chunks of time there without any additional visitors.
They knew Kelly came to see me and often spent the night.
They knew how to get in, how not to make a noise, where we would be. They knew practically everything. This person must have been patient, calculating, and very sure of themselves. This was no quick plan. This took time.” Was it Scott or Hudson? He could’ve been tailing them out. Anne? She caught them, knew the area as she’d stayed there before, and she’d known when he was there cuz of Sarah. Has Bob been tailing Kelly since his brother died? Did he spy on them and do it? I honestly have NO idea who did it at this point!
Why is she asking him to run DNA if she can’t use it in court?
Why would you think your money-hungry agent would help you?
Yeah, keeping more secrets from Sarah, smart.
This guy just gets stupider and stupider.
Who’s watching her? Are they the same person who killed Kelly? Is she next?
What the fuck Adam?! You just go around kissing every girl you come across??
What (or who) is she afraid of?
Who did she think it was? Did she find out who killed Kelly and now they’re after her?
Who’s in Rebecca’s bushes?!
So, Bob is clear. Who was it then? I still have so many suspects!
Anne seems clear too. I agree with Sarah, she doesn’t seem strong enough to do it. Plus, she was with Sarah at TOD, wasn’t she?
Same, Sarah. I would've reacted the same way if he was my client (let alone my husband).
Tell him off, Queen! He has been so reckless during this entire investigation!
Scott hired her?! Why?
Yes! Hang up and block, Queen! Fuck her!
Why is Scott on the run?! Did he actually do it?!
Is Hudson the DNA match?
Agggghhhh! That cliffhanger!!!!
He was found guilty?! What?!
Who’s she marrying?!
HA! Yeah, okay, Adam. I’m sure you would’ve stayed together and had a family.
Why is she giving him that smile?
"Adam, you will spend the rest of your very brief life thinking about me, and I want you to know that I will never think about you ever again." Damn. Way to send him to his death.
What?! She knew of them?!
Bob was looking to avenge his brother’s death!
Bob and Sarah worked together to kill Kelly?!
Of course, he wrote his stupid book.
And she has a daughter?!
She killed her mom too?! What. The. Fuck!
They moved into the lake house?!
Holy. Shit. I did NOT see that ending coming! AAAAGGGGHHHH!!! So good! Definitely going to be rereading this one to see if I can catch any hints/clues!
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