If the Shoe Fits Review

Let me know in the comments if you’ve read this book or not! 

Goodreads Rating: 5/5 Stars

Summary Review:
Cinderella meets the Bachelor in this modern Cinderella retelling. This story was absolutely fenomenal, I couldn't put it down! This modern retake was so well thought out and orchestrated, I absolutely loved it! I highly recommend to anyone that loves storybook retellings, the Bachelor, romance, girl bossing, or all of the above! I will definitely be reading this book again! 

Full review/thoughts throughout reading (SPOILER WARNING; Colorful Vocabulary Warning):

I love that her name is Cindy "Elle Woods". Especially fits since she's a fashion grad. 

The spin on the names of the characters from the original story is amazing! From the triplets being named Jack, Mary, and Gus after the mice, to the new modern take on Anastasia and Drizella. It fits perfectly for this updated retelling. 

I love that Erica accepts her as her own daughter. She is so close to her step family and it really fits with the modern take.

“That kid just got paid to serve you water. He’s fine. You’re hydrated. We’re all good.”
Beck is hilarious! Definitely my favorite character so far.

In fact, it’s best to assume Mary is lying more often than not. She’s not malicious. Just creative.
As a mom of two rambunctious boys, this is very relatable. 

I love Sara Claire, she's so sweet and genuine. She's someone I would absolutely be friends with.

Ash telling Cindy is her favorite is the sweetest thing. She absolutely needed to hear that right now.

I knew it was going to be Henry as the suitor. Of course, it was.

Anna sniffs the air. “What?” Drew asks. “What is it?” Anna crosses her arms. “Smells like fate. Looks like fate. Must be fate.”
This book is cracking me up! It's so funny, but in a way that's not in your face. It feels natural, like conversations that would actually happen in real life. 

Oh no she didn't. As if I didn't already hate Addison enough. 
"YoU'rE sO bRaVe" gags
Why is no one standing up for Cindy?! Do they seriously think Addison is paying her a compliment right now?!

Henry just casually sabotages the show's power to sneak away with Cindy. Forget Prince, this man is a King!

“Oh, yay, more waiting around for men to do something.” “Cue the confetti cannon,” 

Personally, I would hope the suitor is making the cheesy invites over the producers. My husband is super cheesy and full of puns. I fell in love with his humor before anything else.

What is going on with Anna? Something major must be going on if Drew is noticing.

I love that once Anna & Drew started running the show they included Cindy in the popular crowd rather than shutting her out.

Beck is the sweetest for sneaking Cindy back to show her how everyone is loving her! I hope this will help her get her creative flow back!

“Go for the legs. Knock her down and then throw your body on top of hers."
Everyone is so over Addison and it's hilarious. Love that they're giving her tips on taking her down.

“Do you like this girl?” she whispers. I pause for a second and shake my head. “Not at all.” “Even better,” she says. “Think about all the reasons why you can’t stand her and let the pillow do the rest.”
Take her down Cindy! She messed with the wrong chick!

“Just playing by the rules. Moo, bitch. Moo.”
Yes! What a Queen!

Bwahaha just slams the door in Mallory's face.

Addison? Isn't she supposed to be on a date?

Anna! What are you doing my girl?! That must've been what Drew was picking up on her being weird about.

Too bad Addison wasn't eliminated. At least she didn't get the satisfaction of outing Anna & Zeke.

“I saw her with Zeke last night on my way back to my room. At least someone was getting some action.”
He's not even mad about it, just glad someone is getting somewhere here hahaha.

How shitty of a person must you be if you have to talk shit about someone else while you're on a date. Showing your true colors there Addison. 

“Is that you, Cabbage Patch? Mon petit chou?”“My little cabbage,”
Awe, he's calling her his.

“Henry is Daddy and I’m nonbinary Mommy.”
Jay is now tied with Beck for my favorite characters in this book!

"You’re both to blame, but bickering isn’t going to fix anything. I need scissors, safety pins, and fabric tape. And maybe a sewing kit.”
You tell them, Cindy! This is the second outfit incident they've had. You KNEW she was going to be on the show. To not be prepared is absolutely ridiculous and unprofessional on their part. Whether you thought she'd make it this far or not, do your damn job and treat it as though she would be!

“Damn,” says Stacy from where she sits in a makeup chair. “I didn’t see that on the rack.”
Stacy's a real one.

“Okay, first off—men don’t want their partners to be their mothers…and if they do, those aren’t the men we’re looking for.”


Why wouldn't you wear your own brand?! Like why would you create things you wouldn't enjoy yourself? Also, it's free publicity if your walk around wearing your own promoting your brand.

The truth, though, is that clothing is fashion and fashion should be for everyone because clothing should be for everyone.

She wouldn't have to "make do" if you just made your clothing inclusive! If you got down from your high horse for two seconds and realized not everyone in the world is a size 0, then maybe she wouldn't have to create her own look out of the pieces of fabric that you call "clothing".

Good! She deserved to win! She showed she's more than just a pretty face coughs Addison coughs and that she fits in the fashion industry more than any of the other girls.

"Fat people want options. All the luxury pieces out there look like mother-of-the-bride dresses."
You tell 'em! All clothing needs to be inclusive!

I'm so glad she got to see Sierra!

Yes! She's getting her creative flow back!

They sent Beck on a scavenger hunt to find the perfect dress for Cindy! And the most perfect shoes to match! I love it!

“Is this real for you?”
“It wasn’t, but now it is."


“I can’t see the crew behind us anymore. Do you think we should wait for them?” “Definitely not,” he says, his voice giddy. “You think you can run in those things?”
He's so excited to finally get a minute alone with her! 

Caught by the boss. Oof.

“One day I’ll show you my New York.”

“Oh,” says Wes, “so you two are okay with getting hot and heavy in the back of a souvenir store, but you can’t give us a little kiss good night?” He throws up his hands and leaves Beck on her own.
Bwahaha he's so sick of their shit.

Oooooh secret meet up!

"...your new—person.”
“Not a fan of labels?”
“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call myself your girlfriend,”
“This feels pretty serious to me,”
“I don’t know...Feels a little crowded.”

1. Awe he feels serious about her
2. I agree, its definitely crowded atm.

Oooh Stacy over here sneaking around with her ex. Good for her though.

“Henry? Don’t come in here! I’m naked!” He chuckles. “Was that supposed to be a deterrent?” “Yes,”
I knew it was gonna be him coming in with the drink. Love this little banter though.

“Okay, well, you’ve left me with no choice. I choose Zeke.” “Oh, I’m pretty sure someone’s already called dibs on Zeke.”

Just casually buys moonshine from guy in Queens making it in his bathtub hahha. I'm dying!

“You think she likes me?” he asks once the coast is clear. I look at him with utter disgust. “Did you really just ask me that?” “It was a joke,” he calls after me, but I’ve already filed it away in my sister vault. “Don’t tell Anna!”
Lol Zeke just shoving his whole foot in his mouth.

The entire banter on the boat is everything! I love the jokes about the safety meeting and Titanic references!

Wait what?! Wtf she mean female suitor for next season?!
Who the hell is "Wifey" and who the hell signed off on that?! Did Henry sign off on that?! W.T.F.?!
Henry willingly chose Sara Claire over Cindy?! What?! A wedding special?! Who tf cares if America loves her, you just ripped her heart out because Henry doesn't love her!

Awe, Anna and Drew are such supportive sisters. I love that so much!

Yes! Get that dream job babygirl! You deserve it!

I'm not crying, your crying. The note from her mom was so sweet and something she absolutely needed right now.

What?! She got an invite to the finale?! What is she going to do?!

Ooooh she chose her career over Henry?! What's gonna happen at the fianle??

Awe, Jay is so sweet giving her a shout out!

"The best part about crossing any bridge is the chance to look back and be able to fully understand where you came from. You’re not a machine. You’re not a computer. You’re an artist, and any good artist knows life feeds into art and art feeds into life.”
I absolutely love this quote, as an artist it is so true and relatable.

Ugh Addison would totally be at her funeral with fake tears saying they were best friends. Finally someone else sees her as a leech! Thank you, Sierra!

“I don’t think God had anything to do with those boobs,”

Bruh, they knew all damn day and didn't tell him until in front of the live cameras. WTF.

Yeah boy! Go find your girl!

Addison showing her true colors again. Sara Claire is truly upset and Addison just cares about the money. SMH. And she had the AUDACITY to accuse someone else of that at the beginning. Ugh.

I knew he was gonna show back up before she left!

OMG he brought her the shoes! AWE!!!!


Buy the book https://amzn.to/3YdcWW7

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